

I read, I eat, I work, and then I read a lot more. Who needs sleep.

55 Hunters
56 Jefferson Starships

[reblog] NEW: Shelf Linked With Blog and Search Tags

We have new things for your on BookLikes :) Let us present you two brand new features and one improvement that we’ve released today. We linked your Shelf with your Blog, let you search tags and easily remove books from your Shelf.


We received many requests to link books on your Shelf with reviews on your blog. Now when you click on a book that was reviewed by you you’ll see “Review” status in a book pop up that will transfer you or anyone who visits your Shelf to review on your Blog. To make it even easier and faster we added “Reviewed” status on your Shelf where all your reviewed books are shelved.


We recommend to shelve and review the same book edition to make this bond. The easiest way to do that is to create a post by clicking on a book directly from your Shelf. Then you’ll be sure that a book will be linked with your review and automatically get status Reviewed.

We also made it easier to remove book from your shelf. We re-positioned the “Remove” button and moved it to more visible place. Now all book option are available in a book pop up, including removing books from Shelf (we hope though that you won’t overexploit this function :) ).


Another cool new feature is tag search. You requested ability of searching posts and reviews. Now it’s ready! Tag search box is on Dashboard on the right. 

Insert tag, author or book title in Tags Search Box and you’ll find all posts with a particular book title or tag, e.g. Hunger Games. We take into consideration book titles, book authors and tags that you add to you writing.


Enjoy new features, let us know what you think and prepare yourself for more :-)

We release new functions at the end of every week so stay tuned!

Reblogged from BookLikes